Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2019, 5(24): 58-64
UDC 303 : 502 : 33 : 330.131

Oksana Veklych
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor,
Principal Researcher of the Department of Ecosystem Assessment of
Natural Resource Potential of the Public Institution
«Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Abstract: The parameterization of economic damage from destruction of ecosystem services was given for the first time. A base formula for describing the total value of this damage as an aggregate indicator and its main components is proposed and consistently disclosed, as well as its main components are determined, forming the supporting ground for the implementation of specific assessment of economic damage from deterioration/destruction of ecosystem services, which, if necessary, is carried out in practice by professional appraisers licensed by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
Key words: ecosystem services, economic evaluation of economic damage.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2019-04-04
Date of online version: 2019-10-04